Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

Portage Lake Water & Sewage Authority
100 Princess Point Drive
Houghton, Michigan 49931

906.523.5017 [phone]
906.523.5816 [fax]

FOIA Documents


Photo description: Biosolids Application Site, Mason Stamp Sands

The Portage Lake Water & Sewage Authority
(PLWSA) was established in 1964...

by the cities of Hancock and Houghton for the purpose of constructing and operating a joint use wastewater treatment facility. The facilities that were constructed included a lift station for each city to convey wastewater to a common site and a wastewater treatment plant located on the south shore of Hancock.

Planning was initiated by the PLWSA in 1987 when it became evident that the existing treatment plant was operating at flows in excess of the design flow and was not able to treat all of the excess flow that was being generated by both cities.

TKDA and U.P. Engineers and Architects were retained to prepare a facility plan to determine the rehabilitation and possible expansion necessary to provide treatment of all the wastewater flow generated by the two communities.